Food inauthenticity: authority activities, guidance for food operators, and mitigation tools
The ILSI Europe Taskforce on Food Authenticity has published its open-access manuscript in the high-impact factor (15.786) journal “Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety” today (2022-10-18).
The manuscript covers the tools available to the food industry to mitigate food fraud. It assesses the usefulness of these tools for mitigation, which is very timely in the current geopolitical situation.
The manuscript was the output of a collaborative effort by the ILSI Europe taskforce, and Neil Buck and I (Bert Popping) would like to thank especially Paul Brereton, John Spink Samim Saner, Sandra Mourinha Chaves, Charon Willis, Steve Gendel, Diána Bánáti, Daniel Wunderlin, and Nevena Hristozova for their contributions to the manuscript.