2022 |
| Peer-reviewed article
Notification of traditional foods from third countries as novel foods – Which lessons can be learned after a few years of implementation?
Oliveira J., Montanari F. and Ferreira I.
European Food and Feed Law Review
17(6), pp. 386-398
This article provides an analysis of the notifications of traditional foods (TFs) from third countries (TCs) at European Union (EU) level that were submitted from the entry into application of Regulation (EU) 2015/2283 on novel foods (1st January 2018) until 1st October 2022, with a view to gaining a better understanding of the implementation of this new procedure. To this end, both notifications of TFs already approved by the European Commission (EC) (nine in total) and those currently awaiting approval (eight) were examined. As a result of the analysis performed, insights are given into the type of products notified, their origin, the identity of the applicants and the country where the latter are based, the overall duration of the notification procedure and the impact that the lack of data protection may have on the approval pathway that applicants ultimately decide to follow, among others. These research findings can be useful for prospective novel foods applicants targeting the EU market as well as for all policymakers and regulators dealing with food innovation and international trade.